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Writing Lessons Learned from NaNoWriMo

Written by Siri Paulson

I've won National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) multiple times, but this year was my first time tackling it since 2011. And I didn't win -- I only hit 15,000 words. (For those of you who don't think in word counts, that's just under 1/4 of the way through the novel I'm writing.)

Here's what I (re)learned...

5. NaNoWriMo is not worth killing your wrists over. I've had on-and-off wrist problems this fall, and as soon as I started to push for higher word counts, the problems flared up again. I backed off right away and wrote all of 300 words in the next five days, before cautiously starting up again. I'm still trying to pinpoint how much I can comfortably write without physical consequences (current guess is at least 800 words a day), but I'm in this for the long haul. I'll do what I gotta do.

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Writing the Wrongs

Written by KD Sarge


I had a plan for this blog post. I don’t remember what it was. Last night’s events in Missouri have left me saddened, outraged, and deeply distressed. I can’t talk lightheartedly today.

In this world, we’re not supposed to hit people. We’re not supposed to react with violence to the hate and harm piled on us. And I get it. I do. Anything that can be solved with violence can be solved better and faster without it, if people are willing to try. And we need to be willing to try. Or it just gets worse.

I know that. But sometimes, man…sometimes the need to just hit someone is pretty darn strong.

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Year of No Fear: Eye Pain

Written by Erin Zarro

Those of you who have been following my shenanigans know that since February of last year, I have been suffering from severe chronic eye pain in my left eye. It happened suddenly, and as far as I know, it hasn't affected my vision.  But the pain has been excruciating, and it's constant.  I'm on a nerve pain medication for it, but I have to stay on a low dose to prevent terrible side effects.  So I often have breakthrough pain.

(I am, however, very thankful that I didn't go blind.  That would have been much worse.) 

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Con Aftermath

Written by Kit Campbell

So, if you guys follow our Twitter or Facebook feeds, you'll know that a few weeks ago we had a table at a smallish scifi/fantasy literature convention called MileHiCon.

We went into this madness with our previous experience on the subject being that we had attended a couple conventions ourselves at various times, and also knowing people who had had tables themselves, though not with any details about how they had run said tables.

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Kit Campbell

Kit Campbell used to be an aerospace engineer, but it turns out that there's a lot less launching of awesome things into space and a lot more paperwork than one would think. More

Siri Paulson

Siri Paulson writes all over the fantasy and science fiction spectrum, including (so far) secondary-world fantasy, urban fantasy, steampunk, historical paranormal, and things set in space. Maybe someday she'll pick one and settle down. More

KD Sarge

KD Sarge writes for joy and hope, and works for a living. She has tried her hand at many endeavors, including Governess of the Children, Grand Director of the Drive-Through, and Dispatcher of the Tow Trucks. More

Erin Zarro

Erin Zarro has been a poet since she was 11, when she discovered free verse poetry. She has been published in literary magazines such as Prism Galliard, Lucid Moon, Pen & Ink Magazine, and Nomad's Choir, among others. More